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First Line Support for Viral Symptoms

By Homeopathy, Infection

Many who have experienced the current virus going around have a similar experience: General malaise quickly sets in, but a myriad of common viral symptoms often flood the system simultaneously. Which symptom does one choose to address first? 

That’s where Real Immunity’s Viral Ally comes in handy. Featuring a combination of 13 common remedies for viral symptoms, taking it as soon as one notices symptoms can help to sort out a case so that the symptom picture clarifies and the remedy that best addresses what is being expressed can be properly selected. 

The newest product in the Real Immunity suite. What to grab when symptoms arise.

With the early onset of viral symptoms, we often have inflammation in many parts of the body. People may experience headache, sore throat, congestion, stomach upset, or other evidence of early viral symptoms.

Homeopaths know that it is important to keep people moving through the phases of healing. Viral Ally helps move symptoms along so that we can get a clearer picture of what is needing to express. From there, the appropriate remedy can be selected with ease. It’s important to keep symptoms moving along so we don’t get stuck in one area and we can have full resolution. Viral Ally seeks to offer support in moving people through healing. It’s an essential first line to have on hand when illness strikes. 

Let’s take Jane’s case as an example of how Viral Ally can be used:
Jane knew something wasn’t right. Her head was pounding, and her eyes ached. She had errands to finish, kids to feed and put to bed and other tasks she couldn’t ignore. She knew she was getting sick, but was just experiencing general malaise and foreboding, so she just continued to push through. She took a dose of Viral Ally before bed, which moved her immune system to express itself more clearly. By the next morning, Jane experienced severe diarrhea and vomiting. Her symptom picture had clarified, with symptoms indicative of Arsenicum album.


New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

How Homeopathy Can Help You

By Homeopathy

Why Homeopathy?







Modern medicine has advanced many times over in the past few decades, more so when you look at the last century. Yet for all these advances, people remain unsatisfied with their treatment. It’s incomplete, and more often than not, come with a host of unwanted and often uncomfortable (or dangerous) side effects. Thankfully, there’s an alternative that offers gentler, more natural solutions.

What Is Homeopathy?

Quite simply, homeopathy is a full system of natural medicine that can be used to treat any person – i.e., any age, including infants and the elderly – as well as both pets and livestock. That’s because each treatment is customized specifically to the individual being treated. It was developed more than 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, and it’s still being used today by more than 500 million people worldwide. It was even used in American hospitals until the mid-1900s, and is approved by the FDA.

How Homeopathy Works

Professional homeopaths are trained and certified to interpret the information shared by the body through energy in order to identify the cause of your symptoms. Utilizing the principle “like treats like,” homeopathic practitioners will match your symptoms to something in nature that causes them. When the correct remedy is used, relief can occur quickly, although it will take longer for chronic ailments. What’s more, homeopathy is curative and doesn’t simply mask your symptoms, the way many prescription medications do.

Why Choose Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle, natural way to heal the body in a way that encourages movement toward vitality and the body’s capability of healing and protecting itself. It’s also a straightforward and affordable process that makes treatments easy to dispense at home. In fact, while you ought to meet with a homeopathic practitioner to guide you, there’s a number of every-day bumps and bruises you can identify and remedy yourself.

Overview of Homeopathy’s Benefits:

  • You’ll receive individualized care and undivided attention from a professional homeopathic practitioner.
  • Homeopathic practitioners can be found worldwide, including regions like Europe, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America.
  • Homeopathy is tried and true through 200 years of practice.
  • It was used in hospitals in the U.S. through the mid-1900s, and it’s still trusted today.
  • It can be used to treat anyone of any age, as well as pets and livestock.
  • It’s completely natural, and naturally supports the body’s ability to heal itself.
  • It can be used to address chronic conditions, including sinusitis, ear infections, asthma, and behavioral complaints.
  • It’s easy to practice some basic homeopathy at home, especially if you take advantage of resources like classes and digital materials.
  • Kits for home care are incredibly affordable, and no prescription is required.
  • Homeopathic remedies do not have side effects, unlike most pharmaceutical medications.
  • Advanced treatments, such as homeoprophylaxis, can protect you and your loved ones from infectious diseases.
  • Relief is felt quickly, and it never masks symptoms.

Homeopathy is a safe, natural alternative for anyone who’s dissatisfied with the treatment they’ve received from traditional, pharmaceutical-driven medicine. Each treatment is unique, because each body is unique, but homeopathic results are always the same – movement toward a healthier life and true vitality.

For more information on the intelligence of the body, read our blog post on the subject. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can use homeopathy to treat yourself or your family, don’t hesitate to book a consultation.

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Homeopathy Shines with Influenza

By Homeopathy, Infection

The Spanish Flu of 1918 was no match for homeopathy!

A homeopathic remedy

There’s a safer way to acquire immunity naturally without the risks of vaccination: homeoprophylaxis.

The mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs was over 28 percent: those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of just 1.05 percent. Homeopathy works!

The body has natural intelligence and the capacity to heal itself. It needs to express symptoms, have discharges, and be supported by natural means such as homeopathy. A runny nose is purging sinus waste products. A cough purges the airway. A fever resets the immune system, eliminates toxins, and restores the bacterial balance thus maturing the immune system. We can often see developmental leaps after a fever.

How Homeopathy Works

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old science of medicine that addresses both acute and chronic conditions. It’s based upon the principle of “like treats like.” If something in nature is capable of causing symptoms, early homeopaths who “proved”  remedies found remedies that addressed those symptoms. To treat homeopathically every symptom of an illness is noted – physical, emotional, and mental – and a remedy is chosen that most closely matches the exact characteristics.

For example: if stung by a bee, you are likely to experience pain, and hot redness with inflammation. Apis mellifica (bee venom) prepared homeopathically can quickly reduce all of these symptoms. It’s safe with no side effects due to the principle of minimum dose.

Minimum dose means the source material is diluted repeatedly until there are no original molecules left. This dilution is then applied to small lactose/sucrose pellets and taken by mouth. The individual’s vital force recognizes the frequency of the source material and sets healing into motion. The immune system then initiates healing naturally, without getting stuck at any stage, or suffering any side effects.

A mother comforts her sick son.

One of the most urgent questions young parents face is how best to cultivate their children’s immunity.

How to Chose & Use a Homeopathic Remedy

Each of the following remedies can be found at most co-op or natural food stores, and will be effective for influenza or flu-like illnesses. For dosing, simply start with a dose each hour for three doses, then give 3 doses per day until symptoms are 70-80% improved. A dose consists of 2-3 pellets of 30c potency.

Don’t touch the pellets with your fingers. Just tap them into the cap of the vial and pop them in the mouth to melt. If no relief after three doses, then re-evaluate symptoms and remedy choice. If you have a peaceful sleep after dosing, this is a good sign that the vital force has recognized the remedy and it’s a good match. You may see a dramatic improvement, or a gradual one. The goal is to support the system so it doesn’t get “stuck” in any phase of the illness, but moves through the stages smoothly. Frequently, the stages are actually shortened with the aid of homeopathic remedies.


Keynotes listed below are the main symptoms in a case. An illness can have many symptoms, so the question to ask is “what one symptom, if removed, would make it possible to feel better? What is most limiting in the case?” That symptom is the leading keynote upon which you should prescribe. Don’t worry if all symptoms listed under the remedy aren’t evident. You need a few strong keynotes to go on, and then consider “modalities.”


Modalities are either times of the day when symptoms are better or worse, or what condition or activity reduces the discomfort. Many people will say nothing makes them feel better. In this case, you just observe what they have a desire for. Hot drinks? Cold drinks? Activity? Company? To be left alone? These are all various modalities.

Preventing Flu

Influenzinum increases vitality, activating innate immunity towards flu-like illnesses. An excellent study from Brazil (2011. International Journal of High Dilution Res. “Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza and acute respiratory tract infections in children:” blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial) concluded that use of homeopathic medicines minimized the number of flu and acute respiratory infection symptomatic episodes in children, was cost-effective, and carried no ill effects, encouraging the homeopathic prophylactic potential to be investigated in further studies.

Choosing a method for flu-like symptoms is a wise choice when your goal is to support real immunity naturally. Purchase Cilla’s preferred Influenzinum product. 

Remedies for Influenza or Flu-Like Symptoms

Aconite, arnica and belladonna pills.

Remedies for flu-like symptoms include Aconitum and Belladonna.

More detailed information on remedies for Influenza and flu symptoms, can be found in the class Homeopathy and Influenza


This is the first remedy to think of when coming down with a flu-like illness. It can be taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms suddenly appearing. This is especially true if the symptoms came on after being exposed to harsh weather or a cold wind. You can often nip the virus in the bud with Aconitum in this way if taken immediately. The symptoms you may see are a fever with chills, flushed cheeks and a rapid pulse.

Arsenicum album

“Don’t leave me alone!”

  • Great restlessness and anxiety; you can see pacing, jitteriness, or hand-wringing
  • Fear of being left alone
  • Ominous feeling that they could die
  • Very chilly
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Worse between 11 pm-1 am; the illness frequently starts at this time
  • Very thirsty but only wants small sips of water


“Feel the heat radiating from me.”

  • Rapid onset of symptoms
  • High fever
  • Red, flushed face; Pupils dilated
  • Thirstlessness
  • Delirium or hallucinations with fever
  • Headache
  • Can be right-sided symptoms
  • Body is hot yet hands/feet are cold
  • Worse with motion
  • Worse at 3 pm
  • Craves lemons


“Leave me alone!”

  • Severe aching
  • Wants to go home
  • Irritable and averse to answering
  • Headache
  • Thirst
  • Marked perspiration
  • Desires warm drinks
  • Worse from motion or jarring
  • Worse at 9 pm


“I ache horribly.”

  • Unbearable aching
  • Chilled to the bone
  • Thirst for cold drinks
  • Pain in bones
  • Desperate: moaning
  • Fever over 102
  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting of bile
  • Watery coryza
  • Worse 7-9 am
  • Desires cold food or ice cream

Ferrum Phos

“Inflammation is starting.”

  • No clear local symptoms
  • General malaise
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever


“I’m so weak and heavy.”

  • Debility, weakness
  • Dull; foggy
  • Eyelids droopy; eyes may be half open
  • Head heavy
  • Tremulous weakness
  • Thirstlessness even though there is fever
  • Onset of fever slowly over 1-3 days
  • Yellow coating on tongue
  • Chills running up & down spine
  • Headache
  • Chills alternating with flushes of heat

Nux vomica

“Every nerve is frayed!”

  • Overly sensitive to all stimuli
  • Intense chills
  • Irritable
  • Sleepless
  • Sensitive to light, noise, touch
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe headache
  • Sore throat with raw sensation
  • Body aches better with warmth
  • Desires warm food and drinks

Rhus tox

“I’m so stiff unless I move around a bit.”

  • Anguish
  • Sore throat
  • Cold sores on lips; tongue red on the tip
  • Moderate to high fever
  • Chilly and restless
  • Bed feels too hard; whole body aches
  • Pain relieved with slow movement
  • Craves warm drinks
  • Stiffness; desire to stretch

Thinking Parent’s Guide to Fearless Health

By Immunization

Many of us with children have navigated some interesting terrain regarding conventional immunity products offered.

Unless you have witnessed or experienced an adverse reaction, there seems no reason to explore other options. Experience makes us want to share the information we’ve gleaned with others so they can avoid pitfalls and make informed choices.

Enter the Thinking Parent’s Guide to Fearless Health, a 12 page, downloadable resource offering links to studies and support documents that clarify common misconceptions regarding inoculations, a list of ingredients in inoculations, a background on what every parent needs to know regarding childhood diseases, important considerations and alternatives for supporting immunity, as well as a list of recommended reading and follow-up resources.

This is our answer to the many times people have reached out to ask, “Is there anything I can show my spouse, my child, my friend to educate them?” 

This guide provides non-overwhelming support and accurate information. The last thing we want to do is promote fear, or discourage new parents. We’ve kept the guide simple, yet thorough, with many resources for continued research.

If you’ve ever attended a baby shower and witnessed the onslaught of gifts (many of which parent’s likely won’t even use!) and wondered where the support is for the BIG decisions that parents will be making, you’re not alone. Our Thinking Parent’s Guide is something that can be printed and put into a folder and discretely left for the expectant parents as an offering that will support them educationally. The guide can also be offered to pediatrician offices as well.

As Cilla always says, “Information is the antidote to fear.” By sharing this resource with new parents, together we can empower them to face the pressures of today’s world with confidence!

Parent’s will be rewarded with a discount code that they can use to watch Quest for Real Immunity as well.

Click here to purchase for $1.


Real Immunity’s Vitality Classes

By Homeopathy

What if the tenets of homeopathic thinking were instilled in our children early on? What if instead of learning about germ theory, our children learned about building a strong terrain, the intelligence of life, the importance of expression (vs. suppression), how to be good observers, and that like cures like?

The Real Vitality Team has answered this call—we’ve created a virtual program for kids called Vitality School. Vitality School consists of 6 virtual classe. They have been designed by a certified teacher and homeschool parent.  The recommended age range is 10-15, but these lessons can be adapted to younger students easily and often include coloring pages so younger students can participate in the lessons. 

Many parents have reached out regarding the onslaught of germ theory propaganda that their children are being inundated with. Our new education series for kids, Vitality Classes, seeks to introduce and instill the vitality concepts introduced in the Real Immunity film series. 

Download a free lesson plan outline to get a better idea of what the classes in our program offer. (There are 6 in our program, and you will be sent one class outline.)

Vitality School seeks to build a solid foundation around terrain theory concepts, homeopathy and natural health. Each lesson will contain an instructional video on the topic, lesson plan, multidisciplinary assignments, and supplemental resources for expanding upon concepts learned. 

Here are answers to common questions asked about our Vitality Classes:

Can adults take Vitality Classes?
Absolutely! Adults new to terrain theory and homeopathy can absolutely benefit form these classes.

I have multi-aged students in my household, ages 8-16. Will they all be able to participate in this program.
Yes. We have diversified our activities so that there are options for expanding the lessons to challenge older students, and so that there is less challenging material for younger students. 

Our homeschool co-op would like to participate in these lessons. Do we pay per student?
To make this program more reasonable for coops and families, we charge per family rather than per individual. We trust that this understanding will be respected so that we won’t have to raise our prices. Much time and resources have been committed to the development of this project, and our prices are configured to make the costs for families more than reasonable. You can send each family to this link to purchase. 

Can students complete these classes on their own, or will parents need to assist?
Children under 12 may need some assistance in navigating and printing the materials. If you review and print the assignments in advance, you should be able to set your students up with the class video and materials with minimal parental assistance. Planning time for the basic lesson is less than 30 minutes. 


Learn Together:
If you are interested in extending the concepts learned in our Vitality Classes, you may want to consider leading an Empowerment Group. The Empowerment Group program uses the Real Immunity films to instill terrain theory concepts on a deeper level. The program offers everything needed for a leader to access the film segments and lead a discussion. This program has already been used in homeschool groups across the world. 

Spotlight on College Immunization Policies and Resources for Responding

By Immunization

Households with college-bound students are facing discriminating policies when it comes to college immunization updates requiring students to receive the experimental injection before returning to school, despite the fact that the injection only has Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

According to the Children’s Health Defense, under the FDA, the Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) defines the injection as experimental and as such, it cannot be mandated. “Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is ‘absolutely essential.’” The FDA requires that any EUA product allow recipients “the option to accept or refuse administration of the product.”

Schools with exemptions to such mandates are enforcing unreasonable rules, such as weekly testing at the student’s expense, submission to daily health checks, mask requirements when inside buildings, exclusion from dining halls or areas where there are large gatherings of students, and in some instances, the requirement to attend classes online rather than in person. These students are still required to pay full tuition while receiving separate yet unequal services.

Students starting and returning to college are facing unfair ultimatums if they aren’t willing to get the experimental injection.

How are universities and colleges able to install unconstitutional policies?

Institutions are creatively interpreting data and guidance from WHO, the CDC, and the FDA to wield their messages of discrimination. Colleges are essentially leaving out essential information when convenient. Institutions who purport to teach students critical thinking skills are rejecting essential information when communicating their updated immunization policies, putting a false spin on their messages. They are also using their leverage and influence as accredited institutions to coerce students into getting the experimental injection. Take, for instance, this statement from BYU-Hawaii’s creative interpretation of EUA:

“FDA emergency use approval (EUA) is based on the same principles as full approval but requires data over a shorter period of time (two months vs. six months) and ensures that the data does not sit on someone’s desk and wait to be reviewed. EUA does not mean the vaccine is “experimental.” It means that while there is less data than is generally requested for a standard approval, there is sufficient and compelling data to demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the risks. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have already filed for full approval with the incredibly large amounts of data and FDA approval is expected soon. More than 140 million American have been fully vaccinated – there is more safety information about COVID-19 vaccines than any other [injection] in history.”

This statement casually dismisses the importance of data reviewal. Pfizer and Moderna have indeed filed for full FDA approval, but that does not mean they will receive it. It also doesn’t communicate the FDA’s shady history of approving unsafe injections. Furthermore, the safety data that has been shared by both Pfizer and Moderna was cherry picked and they’ve yet to release the full body of raw data, which definitely does not support the statement that “there is more safety information about [the injection] than any other [injection] in history” let alone tell the full story of adverse reactions that continue to pile in.

How do we combat coercion and manipulation? 

For starters, it is important to stop being manipulatable. This means honing our critical thinking skills and getting empowered! It’s amazing how many people will put up with a lousy or intolerant doctor or institution that doesn’t offer options, informed consent or have an open mind to any other opinion. We have to remember that we are the ones in charge, and that we call the shots—not the other way around! Admins at a school are no different. They alone should not be the ones to determine policy. Student tuition pays their salaries. Scroll down for resources on how to share your thoughts and advocate for yourself.

Life 101 and Critical Thinking:

Know when you’re being marketed to with propaganda. It does not take a marketing degree to determine this. Teach your kids how to think critically and not be controlled by the narrative.

Here are some things to ask yourself to gain better discernment:

-Are you presented with both sides of an argument?

-Have you done your own research?

-Have you gotten a second opinion or alternative advice?

-Is there pressure or coercion involved? (Think: Is there a carrot being dangled?)

-Are you being given a choice?

-Whose best interest is at stake?

-Are you able to ask questions and have them respectfully answered without judgement?

-Are you being given informed consent?

-Are there more facts, information, studies that are being left out?

-Are there alternatives, side effects, other options?

-Have your personal interests and unique case been considered in the advice given?

-Is there an emotional or financial investment on the line for the person advocating their perspective?


What can you do when you don’t agree with a policy?

It is important now more than ever to speak up—but be professional and articulate. Whether you are dealing with a university who has published a discriminatory policy or a local business who is publishing propaganda about the experimental injection, don’t let anything slide by you without making a statement and sharing your perspective. Don’t get in the habit of ignoring things thinking that is the higher road. Regardless of the slant others may try to put on it, we live in a democracy and your voice is valuable. The more individuals that flood offices with well-written statements sharing their point of view and objections to discriminatory policies, the more those offices will be forced to look at the big picture. It is going to take a grassroots response to make a difference. Let your voice be heard.

Other ideas would be to only patronize institutions and businesses that don’t discriminate against medical choice. Perhaps now is a good time for college students to take a year off to travel, volunteer or pick up a trade or skill. In the meantime, universities will certainly feel the impact on their funding and may be more likely to change their tune if enough students decide to explore other opportunities.

If you see a post, email, note on the door of a business that shares inaccurate information regarding the experimental injection or promotes a discriminating policy, say something! We’ve created a Letter that you can download that includes citations to support you in addressing inaccurate information that you may receive in newsletters, newspapers, emails or see on social media. Edit it to fit your needs and use it to speak up! 

Responding to college immunization policies.

The Real Immunity Team is here to help. We’ve complied a lengthy list of support resources for college students facing mandates, including:

  • Open letters from physicians about the efficacy of the injection
  • Letter templates for religious exemptions
  • Links to legal organizations who are looking for plaintiffs and have created resources to support self-advocacy
  • A list of colleges not requiring the experimental injection
  • Forms requiring schools with mandates to take responsibility for informed consent and adverse injection reactions
  • Links to where you can purchase your own self-testing resources

To download our free College Immunization Mandate Support Resource, click here and then click the box next to “College Immunization Mandate Support Resource” to have it sent directly to your inbox.

Learn more about HP by signing up for our free HP Resource Sheet


Can college students benefit from HP? Yes they can! Learn more by reading our blog Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Your HP Questions Answered.

“What’s the Remedy for…” Why You May Be Asking the Wrong Question (To the Wrong Person)

By Homeopathy

We end up trivializing homeopathy when we ask for a remedy for a chronic condition on an online forum. Certified homeopaths go to school for 4-years or more, and study multiple methods for case taking and analysis.  Just some of these methods include Miasmatic, PolyPharmacy, Keynote, Kentian, Hahnemannian, Tautopathy, Sensation, Isopathy, and more. Healing is an art, and not something to put in the hands of someone who calls themselves a homeopath after taking a weekend course!

It is only human to want the easy way out, and with access to information at a click, we’ve developed a bad habit of thinking a quick answer is the right answer. The downside is that it often creates disappointment when we ask “What remedy do I take to cure my ________?” (fill in the blank with any chronic disease)

To understand this concept, we first need to understand the concept of healing.

the act or process of regaining health

the eradication of disease or sickness

Healing is a process, and it usually has deep emotional and mental components that can’t be addressed when we ask questions like: “What remedy works for fibromyalgia.” It may be that a remedy or prescription drug can help you feel better for a bit, but it’s only a matter of time before your symptoms return, and often they return with a vengeance after being temporarily suppressed. The absence of symptoms is therefore not the definition of healing.

“In order to heal you must release the emotional patterns that are contributing to your illness.” Dr. Christiane Northrup

In her video titled “How to Heal from Anything,” Dr. Christiane Northrup shares that there is nothing wrong with curing, however it often puts people into “battle mode,” which is not always a conducive approach to healing.

She goes on to say that while not all diseases can be cured, every disease can be healed.In other words, if you’re looking for the shortcut, the one remedy that will finally save you, you’re not really understanding the process of healing. Often homeopaths have to peel back layers and layers as they move a patient through the process of healing. Multiple deep-acting remedies are often applied over an expansive period of time. It is not the “quick fix” method. The first remedy gives way to the second remedy, then the next, and gradual movement towards healing takes place.

“One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don’t leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind.”  Osho

Beware of anyone who may try to sell you a program to treat something chronic by yourself at home. That’s a major red flag. Healing is not one-size fits all, and you’ll want someone who can work with the unique nuances of your case, and respond attentively to your progress. Here’s where you can find a homeopath with proper credentials:

What things are appropriate to treat yourself?

Any acute issue is appropriate for treating on your own with homeopathy. Acute illnesses are illnesses that are short lived, or have an endpoint. Ear infections, sore throats, coughs, pink eye, colds and flus are all examples of acute illnesses. Most childhood ailments are acute illnesses, which is why a homeopathy kit is one of the greatest gifts one can give to a new parent.

You can gain experience and confidence treating acute minor ailments with homeopathy on your own. The comradery of sharing tips with forum friends for bumps and bruises is supportive and educational. It’s a great idea!

But please exercise caution when you hear recommendations for chronic illnesses. Trivalizing homeopathy with the notion that there is “a remedy” for conditions such as skin conditions, coughs lasting more than a few weeks, or any form of mental illness can be as risky and irresponsible as watching a YouTube to perform cardiac surgery.  Don’t fall prey to the delusion that a temporary cure is actual healing.


Looking for a homeopathy starter kit?

Try our 50 Remedy Home Kit that contains the top 50 remedies needed to address most acute ailments plus some added extras to help guide you!

Also receive several valuable supplemental gifts including:

-Our homeopathy kit companion (downloadable pdf) that addresses dosing guidelines, as well as 12 common childhood/family ailments and how to address them with remedies in your kit

-Our Remedy Tips (downloadable pdf) compilation, spotlighting various remedies found in your kit and conditions they can be used for.

-A coupon code to access Cilla’s online Intro to Homeopathy Class for FREE

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 


Homeoprophylaxis for Fido: Give Your Pup the Gift of Real Immunity

By Homeopathy, Immunization

Just as Homeoprophylaxis (HP) can be used to protect humans from infectious diseases, it can also be used to protect our furry friends.

Not surprising, the lack of efficacy in allopathic medicine’s number one immunity product is also an issue when it comes to addressing pet immunity. The Real Immunity Team consulted with homeopathic veterinarian, Will Falconer, DVM, to discuss some of the problems he has seen in relation to animal shots.

The Real Immunity Puppy HP Program provides your pup with protection against the two most common puppy diseases.

A Dangerous Recommendation

Falconer addresses many of the issues he has witnessed in pets as a result of allopathic care in his online courses and podcasts. One essential take-away is that boosters fail to create an antibody response, making annual vx practices unnecessary and ultimately dangerous. Unfortunately, over 80% of veterinarians still recommend booster shots, despite educational efforts of veterinary immunologists. What we’re seeing as a result of these unnecessary recommendations is a huge increase in automimmune diseases, allergies and other chronic illnesses. Our pet’s long-term health is jeopardized. Surprised?

Veterinarians are inundated with messages in school that shots are benign, not unlike what pediatricians are taught. Nothing could be further from the truth. Homeopaths have long-known that vaccines can are considered an obstacle to cure. J. Compton Burnett, M.D. discovered this back in 1884 when he coined the term “vaccinosis.” It wasn’t until Burnett addressed the history of shots in his patients that he was able to find resolution with homeopathy.

The Research Backs Concern

Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine conducted several studies examining vx injuries in dogs. Their findings indicated that shots can cause life threatening immune-mediated disease, autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals revealing that the dog’s immune systems were attacking themselves, resulting in impaired tissue repair and growth. A further concerning fact discovered in the Purdue studies was that injected dogs developed autoantibodies to their own DNA.

The Journal of Veterinary Medicine published an Italian study in August 2003 showing the incidence of cancers at injection sites in dogs. An increased correlation in arthritis, epilepsy, encephalitis, organ failure and allergies are also correlated with pet shots.

Most conventional vets have long-ignored these red flags. While there are many holistic vets, like Falconer, who have in good conscious halted the dangerous practice altogether, even when a vet claims to be natural, they often still harbor insidious beliefs and will attempt to push the toxic agenda. Pet owners beware! 

Rabies and The Law

What about rabies, you may wonder? State laws often mandate the rabies vaccine in order to license your pet, and rabies can indeed be deadly if contracted. Falconer insists that one rabies shot is enough to confer lifelong immunity. In his free online Rabies Short course, you’ll learn more about the rabies disease and its implications for your pet. He also has several free resources available to help owners navigate the legal ramifications of their choices.

Pictured is Cilla’s dog, Nanny, when she was a pup.

HP to the Rescue
You may at this point be thinking: Can’t I confer immunity onto my puppy, against contagious and deadly diseases like Parvo and Distemper, without the scary side-effects? Maybe you’re a pet owner who has experienced the heartbreak and stress of chronic disease resulting from shots and would like a safe alternative?

The Real Immunity Team is now offering a Puppy Homeoprophylaxis Program containing the remedies you need to address the top two canine diseases: Distemper and Parvo.

Upon purchase, you will receive the following:

  • Your Puppy HP Kit
  • Directions on how to administer doses to your puppy
  • A schedule on how often to administer doses, (and for how long) with a printable chart to help you keep track of dosages
  • Educational links to support your journey

You can view the Puppy Homeoprophylaxis Program Here.

Blog Resources:
-Courtney’s presentation 

-Learn more about William Falconer, DVM and his offerings

Is Your Holistic Vet Really Holistic?

-The Purdue Studies 

-Science of Damage

-Real Immunity Puppy HP Program 

-Learn more about HP by downloading our free HP Resource Sheet

Zeolite Removes Toxins and Heavy Metals

By Immunization

Zeolite can be supportive in removing heavy metals and toxins from the body. Our research indicates that it may be a helpful supplement to include when detoxing from inoculations and other causes of heavy metal toxicity To learn more about zeolite, and it’s benefits, read on.

Zeolite is known to address many symptoms and ailments, including fatigue, sleep issues, weight gain, mood issues and brain fog. It is also known to improve heart health and reduce the effects of aging. Many health problems are rooted in toxicity.

Mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds just scratch the surface of what our bodies have to fight against daily. By some estimates, we are exposed to over 80,000 chemicals in our daily lives, just from the food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe. These toxins build up in our bodies affecting our sleep, memory, concentration, weight, and can cause inflammation (1, 2, 3, 4).

Zeolite is a rare natural mineral, created through a reaction of volcanic ash and seawater, that can eliminate toxins from the body, down to the cellular level. Its negative-charge and honeycomb shape acts as a natural chelator, binding to positively-charged toxins and ushering them out of the body, quickly and effectively.

Zeolite Clinoptilolite

Zeolite Clinoptilolite has been widely studied for its ability to:

  • Flush heavy metals from the body, including toxic lead (5)
  • Provide alkalizing minerals to support a healthy pH
  • Protect kidney function by detoxing heavy metals (6)
  • Strengthen the immune system through removing toxins (7)
  • Protect against leaky gut by strengthening the intestinal wall (8)
  • And much more, as extensive clinical research shows (9)

Zeolite Clinoptilolite is hundreds of times more effective than activated charcoal, a commonly known and used detoxifier that can detox the gut but comes with harsh side effects. This is because zeolite Clinoptilolite can bind to toxins throughout the whole body and has an affinity for toxins only, so it never removes beneficial minerals, and there are no negative side effects.

Not All Zeolite Products Are the Same

The problem is, most zeolite products are not capable of cleansing at the cellular level. To go beyond the gut and reach into cells for a deep detox. In order for zeolite to effectively detox at a cellular level, it must be nanosized. When the zeolite is nanosized and suspended in water molecule clusters. This allows it to travel throughout the body, even past the blood-brain barrier. To take out heavy metals and other toxins, however, the zeolite must also be cleansed and pre-filled with alkalizing minerals. Why? When mined, zeolite comes filled with environmental pollutants because that’s what zeolites are good at in nature – absorbing toxins. If a zeolite is already filled with toxins, it can’t take any more from your body. That’s why many brands of zeolites sold today don’t work.

After researching zeolite, we discovered Pure Body Extra Strength, a zeolite product offered by Touchstone Essentials. Their zeolite product is unique due to the cleansing process and nanosizing technology they use. Pure Body Extra Strength is the only zeolite on the market that can effectively detoxify the entire body on a cellular level.

Touchstone Essentials uses nanosized Clinoptilolite to remove toxins in the body. These particles are so small they are invisible to the naked eye and need to be magnified a thousand-fold. Pure Body Zeolite is backed up by the gold standard in instrumentation – Malvern particle size testing. This nanometer size means they can get to a cellular level, and it also means the collective surface area of the zeolite particles creates a vast filter that mops up toxins within hours.

And because these zeolite particles are encapsulated within water molecule clusters, it is delivered in a liquid spray that is easy to use (just a few sprays, morning, noon, and night) with no odor or taste.  Pure Body Extra Strength has also been cleansed of existing pollutants so that it more effectively removes heavy metals throughout your body. This is all proven with third-party independent clinical testing. Not only that, the zeolite particles are pre-filled with alkalizing minerals. That way, the zeolite “swaps” a beneficial mineral for a toxin every time. In all our research, this zeolite product has the most rigorous research and testing.


To listen to an interview with Touchstone Essential’s Eddie Stone on zeolite, including how it differs from other detox products, contraindications, detox symptoms, company integrity, and conditions it can address, click here.

When the Shortcut Becomes the Detour

By Homeopathy

“Short cuts make long delays.”

 J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

I’d like to share with you a story that has become rather commonplace in my practice, one that is an example of an alarming situation many of my homeopathic colleagues face.

Meet Diane, a 43-year-old woman who came to me with a laundry list of symptoms, but worse than that, a laundry list of remedies she has been on (many of which she takes daily) for the past 18 months. Diane’s symptoms, although complex, weren’t as overwhelming and painstaking as the sorting out process that we underwent when she first came to me.

After years of practicing allopathic homeopathy and taking a handful of remedies for her chronic issues, Diane sought constitutional care in hopes of finally resolving her on-going issues.

Diane’s symptoms, although complex, weren’t as overwhelming and painstaking as the sorting out process we underwent, as Diane was on 9 self-prescribed remedies after having taken a home-study course on homeopathy.

Before we go into the issues that can result from self-prescribing or taking multiple remedies at one time, it is important to note that for acute situations, (ailments and complaints that are short-lasting) homeopathy is often successfully employed by self-taught individuals, and this is generally accepted since detrimental effects are far less likely to occur. Many parents have effectively used homeopathy to address teething, cold and flu symptoms, ear aches and other common acute childhood ailments. However, when it comes to chronic, long-term issues, take caution when gathering information from blogs or online materials and forums; chronic cases are often more complex and require a consult with a certified homeopath.

There are many reasons why classically trained homeopaths recommend against taking more than one remedy at a time. The conundrum in Diane’s case was not so much the symptom picture that was presenting, but the significant amount of energy required to educate her on why taking more than one remedy at a time could potentially delay the healing process. It took several conversations for her to finally grasp that the way she was using homeopathy previously was more of an allopathic approach and didn’t follow the same set of guidelines that classical homeopaths are trained to evaluate cases and progress with.

Let’s examine some of the issues that arise with allopathic homeopathy. For starters, sorting out a case like Diane’s requires patience that most individuals drawn to the practice of multiple remedy taking frankly aren’t often very excited about. The homeopath needs not only to take the case, but to sort out whether any of the remedies being taken are helping or causing issues. It is essential to identify any potential aggravations occurring, as well as any healing crises that may be caused by one of the many remedies.

From Homeopath, George Vithoulkas’ The Science of Homeopathy, “The practice of giving combinations of remedies obviously violates all of the fundamental laws of homeopathy—and common sense as well…Such practice can only create complete chaos, and indeed some of the most pitiable cases in homeopathic practice are those who have undergone years of such chaotic treatment. The defense mechanism of such patients is so disturbed that it is often completely impossible to restore their health to even the level prior to such prescribing, let alone bring about a cure.”

I say all of this because it has become regular practice for some homeopaths to prescribe multiple remedies, or for students of such homeopaths to take matters into their own hands and self-prescribe multiple remedies, only to realize many months into this practice, as Diane did, that they are not making appropriate gains in their healing, or worse, that they are being detrimentally affected. Still others find that they are dependent upon their daily intake of remedies to feel normal, pointing to the remedies acting suppressively.

When enlisting the help of a classical homeopath, it is essential that people who have taken multiple remedies in the past realize that their treatment will look very different compared to what they were used to, as only one remedy will be given at a time. The case will need to be reexamined after the initial remedy prescription and a new remedy is often selected at that time. It is often necessary that a client wait a period of time after going off their multiple-remedy schedule before starting their constitutional remedy.

What is often thought to be the inexpensive and quick route to healing with homeopathy has become something that many are finding is quite the opposite: a painstakingly long route to regaining health that can often require long-term care from a classically trained homeopath. Before you are deluded into allopathic homeopathy, that can have detrimental effects to overall vitality, consider making an appointment with a classical homeopath to determine if homeopathy is right for you.