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A New Paradigm of Empowerment

By Real Immunity Film Series

I’m not a filmmaker, but the Real Immunity series was screaming to be created.  So, I stepped up. 

I grew up in a simpler time. We played outside, jumped in piles of leaves, built forts, and drew hopscotch with chalk on the driveway. Halloween was safe; we trick-or-treated up and down our street and all the adjacent streets without any worries at all. Most moms were home to greet us after school with a kiss and a snack. When we were sick, which was rare, we stayed home and drank ginger ale, took our temperature with a thermometer, and got to watch TV. Occasionally Dr. Tilly made a house call if needed and once I ran to my room and locked the door, for fear he was planning to give me a dreaded shot of penicillin. I was eventually coaxed out with the promise of a trip to the toy store if I cooperated. 

Things are different now. It breaks my heart to see mothers fearful and uncertain of their mothering skills. Children are chronically ill, and families are bursting at the seams with stress and uncertainty. Let’s examine why this may be happening.

In 1997, direct to consumer marketing for pharmaceutical companies opened up due to a change in laws. A free-for-all ensued, with drug ads infiltrating television programming in both the United States and New Zealand – the only two countries allowing this method of direct advertising to consumers. A subtle, but insidious, shift took place and advertising spending by the pharma industry soared to $29.9 billion by 2005.  (1)

As a result, we have grown accustomed to every symptom having a name, and requiring a specific drug to suppress it.  The viewer is urged to believe that if the symptom is eliminated, they would have “good health.” I like to call this the Fear Paradigm, and it has created parents with deep insecurities and a dependency upon Big Pharma.

Fast forward a dozen years and here are young families who are chronically fearful about every sneeze, febrile illness, stomach bug, or rash. Gone are the days of Mom kissing our boo-boos, giving us a band-aid or simply a few minutes of patience. Consumers are admonished to stop any symptoms NOW! We have completely forgotten that bodies are designed to self-heal. We possess real immunity that is far more potent than any pharmaceutical offering. 

Human beings grow and develop exponentially in the first five years of life. They eat, digest, detoxify, learn to walk, talk, dress themselves, control their bladder and bowels, sprout teeth–All on their own! We are each endowed with a force that drives us to evolve and become more perfect.

Human beings grow and develop exponentially in the first five years of life. They eat, digest, detoxify, learn to walk, talk, dress themselves, control their bladder and bowels, sprout teeth, and formulate distinct opinions. All on their own! We are each endowed with a force that drives us to evolve and become more perfect. This is sort of our ‘prime directive’ to evolve. It’s our God-given gift of real immunity. 

I know through my own experience of raising children, and by observation of hundreds of parents over the course of my private practice, that no one loves (and loses more sleep) over a child than his or her own parents. It’s a visceral connection. This love qualifies a parent, regardless of their level of literacy or education, to do the very best they are capable of. As they learn and grow as a parent, what’s best today may not be what they deem best tomorrow. But nonetheless, they are always striving to do whatever they can in the best interest of that child. 

Their sensibilities have been hijacked by media. Instead of trusting a fever or a cold as the body’s natural way of purging toxins and resetting the immune system, parents are hoodwinked into thinking that any symptom whatsoever is cause for concern. They are further convinced because magically there is a drug that can stop that symptom, so why wouldn’t they take the bait?

This is what I saw in my practice, as countless numbers of parents sat before me and with deteriorated common sense, asked if they should head to the emergency room with a 100-degree F. temperature, or a cold that lasted more than two days. I was shocked and saddened to see one of the strongest forces on the face of the earth being snuffed out – mother’s intuition. As Andrew Wakefield in Quest for Real Immunity says, ‘We have survived as a human race due to mother’s intuition.”

I knew that somehow, I needed to teach more than one family at a time how to re-connect with that powerful force that is our real immunity, the force that is sustained and uplifted by simple but deep principles, intuition, natural medicine such as homeopathy, and faith in the divinity of the human organism. Thus, the Real Immunity film series was born. 

I brought together respected experts to share their philosophies, practitioners using homeoprophylaxis, families waking up to the amazing power of natural medicine, and my own experiences to illustrate what a powerful gift we possess. I found an amazing and talented videographer/editor who could bring my vision to life, and then from my knees I asked to be directed to get the message out. The result has been the Real Immunity series of three feature length films. 

We may not be able to return to those simpler times I recall in my youth, but I can try my best to re-instill the peace, confidence, and knowledge that are part of our birthright.  Please enjoy the Real Immunity series and feel supported and uplifted in hearing what you have truly known deep down inside all along.

Watch all 3 films by purchasing or renting the Real Immunity Trilogy bundle.



There Is A Choice: A Tribute to Jeanne Ohm

By Uncategorized

Jeanne Ohm, DC 1956-2019
We publish this article in honor of Jeanne’s life and contribution to society. She was a powerful and inspirational healer who was familiar with the intelligence of life and accessed her intuition to live to the fullest. Her establishment of the ICPA touched millions of lives and her interview in The Quest for Real Immunity will be an opportunity for many more to learn from her amazing spirit. Cilla was fortunate to have this article originally published in the ICPA magazine, Pathways, in 2015.




Lily was my third child. She was born in China, in the city of Jiujang, in Jiangxhi Province. She was 10 months old when we traveled to get her, and weighed a mere 10 pounds.

Lily was beautiful. She was more like a newborn than a 1-year-old. She could barely hold up her head and was so accustomed to being heavily swaddled in layers of clothing that she cried when the air touched her skin the first time we carefully unwrapped her. Her tiny features were so delicate. She was as quiet as a mouse. She slept through the night without a peep. She was perfect. We bought a few yards of cotton cloth, which we tied in a knot and draped over my husband’s shoulders to create an impromptu sling. She snuggled inside, as content as a baby roo.

Looking back, I can see that Lily was suffering from “failure to thrive,” or the lack of weight gain and physical growth that many orphans suffer when inadequately nurtured and underfed. Combine this with a challenged immune system and the trauma of leaving the familiarity of the orphanage, and you have a child who is very vulnerable.

Once we were home, the pediatrician suggested that Lily needed her vaccines; the Chinese records could not be trusted. Having never questioned vaccines before, I agreed, and Lily was given her DPT, hepatitis B, polio, and MMR shots. What I know now is that this amounts to eight separate disease agents at once, not to mention the additives in each injection. A chemical cocktail.

Shortly afterward, Lily’s leg swelled to twice its size. She became more and more agitated, crying loudly. She let out long, woeful shrieks, and nothing soothed her. Her temperature was 103° F and rising. She was clearly in great distress and I ran her back to the pediatrician, who diagnosed her with aseptic meningitis, an inflammation of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. She was given IV antibiotics and her fever continued to climb to about 105° F. I tried to accept the fact that she might die; I spent the next 48 hours holding her warm, limp body and praying.

This was in 1996 and we were living in the Marshall Islands. The Internet was not yet a common addition to every home. I did have a Merck Manual, though. First published in 1899, The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy is a concise and complete medical reference for doctors, medical students and healthcare professionals. It’s is one of the world’s most trusted medical references.

From its pages I read: “Disorders and drugs are common causes of meningitis. Disorders that most commonly cause meningitis include disorders that cause inflammation, including the inflammation that occurs when the body’s immune system malfunctions and attacks the body’s own tissues (autoimmune disorders).” Among the culpable drugs listed are vaccines.

Eager for validation, back I went to the pediatrician, armed with my information, certain she would agree that I had unearthed the actual cause of Lily’s illness. I was sadly mistaken. She informed me with complete confidence and authority that there was no connection whatsoever to the vaccines. Completely impossible. And furthermore, she delivered a terse lecture on the horrors of children dying from communicable diseases and how she had seen these horrors in the field. End of conversation. I was speechless.

Lily survived that episode, but she struggled with high fevers throughout her youth, and the effects of those struggles are still with her. In the months and years that followed, I underwent a total reorganization of my belief system. The stark realization hit me that no one was going to look out for my kids as I do. It was up to me. Others may be motivated by adherence to their education, dogma, pride, or even just putting in their eight-hour work day. My children were my 24-hour responsibility. They depended upon me to be there, to know what to do and to do it right.

The responsibility felt overwhelming, but at the same time somehow empowering. I wasn’t going to trust what someone else told me without doing my own research ever again. I was through being a conventional medicine groupie. My choices eventually led me back to school, where I spent four years earning a degree in homeopathic medicine. It was there that I learned more about how the healthy immune system operates.

What’s Immunity?
The human immune system is amazing. Think of the intelligence it reflects. Day in and day out it offers protection from viruses, bacteria, parasites and rogue cancer cells. It creates a balance within our biological economy, knowing when to mount a response with fever, inflammation or discharges. And it knows when to simply do its work silently.

Another, more metaphysical way to view the immune system is as an overarching ability to accurately determine what is “self” and what’s “not self.” While the healthy, functioning immune system keeps us well physically, it also helps us in the ongoing process of clear boundaries, development of the personality, and differentiation between the natural parts and processes of the body and foreign interference. Quite an amazing process, really.

There is little distinction inside the womb, as the infant is attached by an umbilical cord to the mother. They exist as one. And Mother’s immunity continues to be passed on to the child after he is born through enzymes provided by mother’s milk.

The birth process is the beginning of differentiation into a separate being. Some have conjectured that the first three months of life, when mother and baby are still so closely connected through nursing, is actually akin to the “fourth trimester.” The baby cries, and magically the breast appears. He is tired or fussy, and there is Mother with warmth and comfort. There continues to be very little differentiation between “self” and “mother.”

Slowly, differentiation occurs. When uncomfortable, Baby discovers how to self soothe, perhaps with a thumb or by hearing soft music. He discovers siblings can be entertaining, or is fascinated by the family pet walking by. There is a world outside of himself and Mother.

At the same time, his immune system is becoming accustomed to new bacteria and viruses. Whatever he ingests first passes the mucous membranes of his mouth, throat and intestines. Here is where natural immunity begins. These tissues contain enzymes that are antibacterial. If these tissues are penetrated by pathogens, special cells called macrophages and neutrophils respond to engulf and kill the pathogens. This is Baby’s first encounter with what his body accepts as safe and what is rejected as unsafe.

Fast forward to around age 2, when Baby learns to say “No!” Coming into his personal power, he discerns that he is a separate person and can control what he wants and doesn’t want. He practices and practices until his parents almost lose their patience in the presence of junior exercising his ability to choose. He punctuates his newfound free agency with frequent exclamations of “Mine!”

This is just the beginning. The developing immune system continues to express itself through the maturation of social and intellectual skills in the pursuit of complete sovereignty. Any parent of a teenager can attest that 16-year-olds are wildly independent in one moment and completely dependent the next. Every leap of independence is another illustration of the immune system determining appropriate boundaries— physically, intellectually and socially.

Biologically Speaking
The biological explanation for this elegant system has two complementary functions: Th1 and Th2. Th1 is responsible for cell-mediated immunity, a response that does not dispatch antibodies, but instead activates phagocytes, antigen-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, and the release of various cytokines in response to a disease substance. This enables the mounting of a fever in order to eliminate invaders. (This concept is discussed more in this blog.)

Th2 governs the antibody-mediated response, also called the humoral response (humor is an archaic medical term for body fluid). It identifies pathogens in the lymph fluid or blood and creates an inflammatory response to scavenge the offenders and eliminate them.

These two arms need to operate in a balanced way. It’s essential to have an inflammatory response (Th2) in the event of radical invasion. It’s also necessary to have the constant balancing vigilance of cell-mediated (Th1) immunity. Working in tandem, these functions develop as a child matures. Nature intended for us to possess both functions. Think of them as the 24-hour vigilance patrol accompanied by the emergency response team.

The goal of vaccines is to boost the emergency response (Th2) in order to enhance antibody production. In fact, vaccines contain chemical adjuvants (from the Latin word meaning “to help”) that are designed to facilitate the production of antibodies. Unfortunately, these two conditions already manifest increased inflammatory responses. Or consider the fact that whatever is contained in the vaccine ingredients will also, in the presence of an adjuvant, be perceived by the body to be a trigger to increase inflammation. So the peanut oil, antibiotics, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, and other chemicals that many vaccines contain may also elicit an allergic response when encountered in a child’s environment or diet.

Studies have shown us that skewing the Th1 and Th2 responses can compromise general immunity for the sake of specific antibodies. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases stated, “Being protected against influenza, recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.”

It’s important to understand this complex protection from both Th1 and Th2 points of view, because true health is not just a matter of producing antibodies to specific diseases. Health occurs in human beings as a multifaceted process. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely an absence of disease or infirmity, with an ability to lead to a socially and economically productive life.”

In acute illness, we can see the relationship between biological illness and social, emotional and intellectual maturation quite clearly. When a child is sick and mounts a fever and has a discharge, we often see a developmental leap following resolution of the illness. Once well, they take a few wobbly steps, or learn to ride a bike, or master new words. When an older child resolves an illness, we can see leaps in independence or responsibility or problem-solving skills. Illness, maturation and the exercise of the immune system truly have an interdependent role.

Another Choice As a parent and as a healer, I take very seriously my commitment to “do no harm.” My deepest belief is that we are all motivated to heal. Healing takes place in a highly individualized manner. We cannot judge, predict or dictate how another will heal. Knowing this, I hold tremendous respect for others as they follow their individual paths. In my efforts to do no harm, and allow others adequate space while supporting their journey, I always try to choose the path of least risk.

Every decision we make for our children has consequences. Our fears far outweigh reality most of the time. I often tell my clients that if we possessed a crystal ball and could glimpse for even 10 minutes what the future held, we would sleep much more soundly at night.

The choice regarding whether or not to vaccinate can be a complex and difficult one for parents. The CDC has told us that “adverse events have been reported after administration of all vaccines.” Thus vaccines do carry “unavoidable risks.” My own path has led me through initially vaccinating my children, experiencing a vaccine injury with Lily, and then investigating an alternative called homeoprophylaxis.

Homeoprophylaxis has been utilized for more than 200 years for epidemics as well as endemic contagious disease. The application as an alternative to the recommended immunization schedule has been clinically studied since 1985 by Dr. Isaac Golden, Ph.D., of Australia. It’s a concept met with skepticism by some conventional medical practitioners due to lack of understanding. Golden is a pioneer, his studies providing emerging evidence of the effectiveness, ease and safety of the method. His work stands as the keystone to future applications of homeoprophylaxis for infectious childhood diseases.

Homeoprophylaxis is the use of diluted and potentized disease products, called “nosodes,” to elicit an immune response. While the original intent of vaccines was similarly to provide a weakened dose of the original disease, the most obvious difference today is the purity of homeopathic nosodes compared to conventional vaccines. Homeopathic nosodes contain no additives whatsoever. No antibiotics, preservatives, detergents, foreign DNA or unknown viruses are present. The intent of homeoprophylaxis is to educate the immune system in a way that has been clinically shown to reduce the incidence of infectious and chronic disease.

A very interesting finding of Golden’s work is the improved long-term health outcomes of using homeoprophylaxis for children compared to conventional vaccination. It seems that allowing exposure to the natural disease in energetic form carries this benefit without any of the risks. In regard to his findings, Golden wrote, “I would suggest that HP remedies stimulate the energetic immune response and this must lead to a maturing of the response in an analogous way that infection with simple diseases can help to mature the physical immune response.”

In other words, triggering an immune response at the energetic level, using homeoprophylactic remedies as opposed to material doses of disease antigen, plays a role in maturing the immune system. This is accomplished in a way that is similar to how nature operates in the developing immune system—gently and carefully, one disease at a time.

I’ve gone on to use homeoprophylaxis with my own children and countless others whose parents are looking for a safe alternative. I’ve met with Golden and others who have successfully applied homeoprophylaxis for epidemics in Australia, Cuba, India and countries in South America. In October 2015, Golden and other practitioners from around the world will be gathering to present their findings at a conference called “Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice for Disease Protection.”

In most ways I’m just like you. I care deeply about my children and have struggled to make the right choices in raising them. We spend so many years protecting them, teaching them, guiding them, and keeping them safe from all the real and imagined dangers that lie in wait. Regardless of our careers or interests or occupations, our children are always in the forefront of our minds as we choose what to feed them, what to teach them, and what to protect them from or expose them to. It’s empowering to know there are ways to keep our children safe that are natural and nontoxic.

My greatest hope is that you will research homeoprophylaxis as a valid approach to keeping your children safe. Serious study will reveal its overwhelming usefulness.

Update: Lily is 19 now. She struggled for years with recurrent high fevers of around 105° F. It was as if her immune system was trying to gain traction but could not move through illness effectively. Homeopathic and chiropractic care helped immensely, and she can now mount an immune response and resolve illness efficiently. All that remains from her vaccine injury is a persistent speech impediment. Years of speech therapy did nothing to reverse damage that occurred during brain development and language acquisition. She has never been vaccinated again. Lily is now a college student and excelling academically; she was one of the fortunate ones.

Intro to Homeopathy: The Perfect Starting Point

By Homeopathy

So you are interested in homeopathy, but you would like to learn more about what it is and how it is used? Over 500 million people around the world use homeopathy. Here are just some reasons to learn more about this amazing medicine:

  • Homeopathy offers a safe way of addressing your children’s health concerns
  • Homeopathy is an option for individuals who have not found help from conventional and natural health modalities
  • Homeopathy is inexpensive and FDA regulated

If you’ve been considering learning more about homeopathy, Cilla’s class, Intro to Homeopathy, is an excellent starting point. If you have already delved into the study of practical homeopathy, but want to know how it differs from classical homeopathy (and whether or not it is safe), you should also consider this class

Interestingly enough, homeopathy has appealed to intelligent and well-educated individuals for decades. As we learn in Intro to Homeopathy, homeopathy isn’t simply a medicine, it is a discipline and a way of thinking about health that far surpasses the limited viewpoints of conventional medical thought. Let’s start by highlighting some of the viewpoints this class presents:

Health and Adaptability:

Ever hear a mom brag that her child is “never sick?” Western society is guilty of exalting this idea that constant equals health. In Intro to Homeopathy, Cilla dives into the topic of wellness and how health is all about adaptability. Health is demonstrated by an immune system that is capable of rebounding after an illness. Regulation of the immune system is essential to health and only taught through a process of moving through the stages of an illness back to health. A homeopath looks for symptoms that point to a lag in physical, emotional or mental adaptability and assigns a remedy that addresses those areas.

Herring’s Law of Cure:

Unlike conventional medicine that seeks to suppress symptoms, homeopathy is all about listening to what our symptoms are saying! Through the course of homeopathic treatment, a homeopath tunes in to the symptoms presenting in order to determine a remedy and track progress towards health. In Intro to Homeopathy, Cilla describes Herring’s Law of Cure, and how this law helps us to determine one’s state of health as well as the healing process.

Three Principles of Homeopathy:

In order to define what homeopathy is, one must first understand the three distinguishing principles of homeopathy: The Law of Similars, which describes how like cures like; The Law of Totality, which says that a remedy is prescribed based on its expression through the entire organism; and finally, The Law of Minimal Dose, which says that only the smallest amount of medicine that initiates a healing should be given.

Ready to learn more about homeopathy or interested in sharing homeopathy with your family? Intro to Homeopathy is a fantastic class for homeschooling families! This is also a great class if you are someone who struggles to have a confident answer to the question what is homeopathy? 

If you’ve already taken Intro to Homeopathy and you’re looking for your next steps, check out these other classes by Cilla:

Health Helix: This class delves even deeper into the what health and adaptability look like. 

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Did you know that homeopathic remedies come from animal, vegetable (plant) and mineral sources? For those ready to delve into constitutional care, this class provides a background in discovering the traits and attributes of individuals and determine if they “fit” animal, vegetable or mineral categories.

9 Flu Remedies: Worried about the flu? Cilla guides you through matching symptoms to the appropriate flu remedy for your case so you can be ready!

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Your HP Questions Answered

By Homeopathy

I love curiosity. It reflects an open mind, a desire to grow, and a spirit of self-reliance. In the current climate of polarization around injections, people are seeking accurate information about homeoprophylaxis (HP)– What it is? How does it work? Is it safe?

Parents: Find out more about the safety and efficacy of HP by reading the commonly asked questions in this article. For further reading and information, see the resources listed at the bottom of the page.

Here are some of the most common questions and answers the Real Immunity Team has fielded. Find out how HP can benefit children that have already been gone the conventional medicine route, how it can be used for those traveling to foreign countries and for college students, how it is safe and does not shed, and how studies have shown that it provides better long-term health outcomes, and more: 

I’ve been hearing this word, homeoprophylaxis, more and more. What exactly is it?

Homeoprophylaxis, also called HP, is the use of highly diluted substances for the purpose of educating the immune system in a gentle, non-toxic way.  These are completely natural; contain no foreign cells, no antibiotics, no preservatives, no adjuvants, and no chemicals of any kind.

My doctor says there is no proof that HP works. Are there any studies?

HP has been studied over the last 200 years in retrospective studies, prospective studies, observational studies, and real-life, boots-on-the-ground applications for epidemics. You can see some of these studies by joining the free Knowledge Vault.

Someone told me this is a “homeopathic inoculation.” Is HP a substitute for conventional recommendations?

HP is perfectly safe when used under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. There are no adjuvants, preservatives, antibiotics, or other excipients in the pellets.

No, it is not a substitute. HP is “educating and exercising” the immune system to mature in the most robust way. It’s a completely different paradigm – one that promotes robust immunity and better long-term health.

How does it actually work?

HP provides the frequency of disease. It’s an energetic imprint that is recognized by the vital force of the body and as a result the disease is either not contracted, or an appropriate immune response is raised. For more on vitalism and how HP and homeopathy works, you can stream Cilla’s films Quest for Real Immunity and Passage to Real Immunity from the comfort of your home.

I’m worried about safety since there was a scare about those homeopathic teething tablets.

HP is completely safe when administered with proper supervision. It’s energetic information and contains no material substance. You cannot overdose. Additionally, there are no adjuvants, preservatives, antibiotics, or other excipients in the pellets. With over 1500 children in our programs, we have never seen any adverse effects.

Can HP benefit my child if he’s gone the conventional route?

Lots of parents choose to change lanes after seeing something that makes them uncomfortable. It’s possible to administer HP regardless of prior inoculations. While HP does not reverse injury, it can help to re-regulate the immune system to help it get back on track.

I’m worried about “shedding” since I have relatives with very young infants.

HP does not “shed” nor can you catch the disease from taking the pellets.

My daughter is older and starting college. Can she use HP at all?

Yes! HP can be used by babies (starting after 1 month of age), children of any age, college students, adults, people traveling to tropical areas, pregnant women, or to protect in an epidemic. Download our free HP Resource Sheet to see all the services available.

I live in a state that will accept titers for the required diseases. Will HP provide these?

No, titers reflect an inflammatory response in the adaptive arm of the immune system. Real immunity results from a balanced response. HP aims to support natural maturation of immunity. Besides, some people are low or non-responders and don’t produce antibodies yet still don’t get sick. Homeopaths know this. Science hasn’t caught up yet.

My son was inoculated, and I just want to detox him.
Is this necessary before doing HP?

He may or may not need detoxing depending on how limiting symptoms are. Perhaps constitutional homeopathy can help, or maybe HP can be started.  Best to consult with someone who is properly trained in HP administration.

HP can be given to babies (starting after 1 month of age), children of any age, college students, and adults–even pregnant women. Previously vaccinated individuals can actually BENEFIT from the use of HP.

What’s proper training?

The practitioners with Real Immunity are nationally board-certified homeopaths with over four years of training in homeopathy and additional in-depth training in homeoprophylaxis. Other practitioners trained through Real Immunity are provided 8 hours of training in all aspects of HP. Most importantly, find a practitioner you can relate to comfortably and who will provide you with any support needed as you administer the program at home.

My doctor says we need protection from all childhood diseases.

Is your doctor up to date on information about rotovirus, diphtheria, HPV and other diseases? Schedule a brief 15 minute consult with one of us at Real Immunity and we can fill you in. Or take a quick look at this page:

Isn’t it better to just do nothing, eat well and take supplements?

Yes, that’s the common assumption.  And sound nutrition is definitely a part of robust immunity.  Here’s the difference – When Dr. Isaac Golden did his 15-year study he found that the HP group had better long-term health outcomes. In other words, they had fewer colds, allergies, eczema, etc.  He attributed this to the concept that they were actually receiving the diseases in an energetic form and thus had all the benefits of natural disease with none of the risks. In other words, they were “exercising their immune systems” in a healthy way.

How can I get started?

The programs and offerings at are easy to understand and all inclusive.  If you’d like to speak with a practitioner first, you can schedule a free 15-minute consult with your additional questions.

For further reading, check out these additional resources:

Does HP Produce Antibodies?

Top Ten Reasons to Use HP

Are There Alternative Forms of Immunization?

Dr. Isaac Golden’s 15 year study on HP

Stream the Real Immunity film series here

Schedule a 15 minute consult to determine if HP is the right fit for your family

Medical professional? Get trained to implement HP. 

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

When Tensions Run High: A Response to the Loss of Religious Exemptions

By Cell Salts, Immunization

When rights are removed with no regard for due process, families naturally feel threatened and frightened. We are certainly living in interesting times. It‘s now more important than ever to stay focused in the present moment.

Remember the words of Dr. Debra Gambrell in The Quest for Real Immunity: “Fear is just a prayer for what we don’t want.”  The most effective way to stay out of fear is to stay anchored in the present moment, not ruminate on the possible (unpredictable) future, and envision the outcome we want to see happen. This requires focus!

In a recent week-long meditation retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza, we learned that where we focus our attention is where our energy goes. Thoughts and emotions have a vibration. They produce hormones and wire synapses in our brain. Repetition of thoughts or emotions have the potential to manifest results on the material plane. I witnessed this over and over again during that week and also saw scientific data validating brain scans associated with certain thoughts and moods.

Effort to focus attention is never wasted. Attention equals awareness; awareness equals consciousness. And each person who expands their consciousness, then raises the consciousness of others. No one needs to convince anyone else of anything; we just need to be clear and confident and aware. All things will work together as a result. Trust me. This is real.

We also live in a material world and are the observers of cause and effect. We need to prepare to the best of our ability. What are the options?

What if I am forced to perform a medical act that may cause harm? Is there a way to mitigate such harm? What if I am in the military or immigrating an adopted child to the USA?  

Remember the cell salts that often offer us support in times of crisis, and are accessible even to those of us embarking onto the path of homeopathy. They offer a helping hand in moments of emotional turmoil, and can prepare the body in order to mitigate injuries without being swept away by the panic?

These are all answers I want to share with you. My goal is to contribute to health and vitality; to uplift and inspire; to educate and expand. The remedy to much of the insanity we are observing is to go within and find peace and steadiness. In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice… No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.”

For those struggling with fear, indecision and uncertainty regarding titers and detoxing, I have created a class for you. This online class will address the health concerns parents may be experiencing and ways to deal with the current compliance required by New York and other states who outlaw religious exemptions.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Get Empowered About Detox, Homeschooling, Titers, and Your Next Steps” 

The following topics are covered, and more:

  • Do alternative methods create antibodies?
  • Are antibodies the answer?
  • Is HP a “substitute” for conventional methods?
  • Can I send my child to college?
  • Where can I find a doctor who is respectful of my choices?
  • Is there “proof” that HP works?
  • What detox steps can be taken if needed?
  • What do I need to know about mitigating injuries and damage?
  • What do I need to know if I’m considering homeschooling?











Is HP a good fit for your family? Need a free 15 min consult with Brion to learn more? Schedule a session today.









Amazing Cell Salts: Homeopathic Vitamins

By Cell Salts, Homeopathy

Homeopathic cell salts, also known as Biochemical cell salts or Schüessler Salts (after their founder, Dr. William Schüessler) are thought of as the “easy” homeopathy and are certainly accessible to beginners. But even those who have used homeopathy for years have a lot to gain from the use of cell salts. In fact, cell salts are often considered “Homeopathic Vitamins,” so they can often complement your homeopathic health regimen. 

The human body, if reduced to ash would contain the following 12 cell salts discovered by Schüessler in 1873:

Calcarea fluoride
Calcarea phsophoricum
Calcarea sulphuricum
Ferrum phos
Kali muriaticum
Kali phosphoric
Kali sulphuricum
Mag phos
Natrum muriaticum
Natrum phos
Natrum sulphuricum

Cell salts are, in fact, the building blocks of life. Our cells depend on these minerals for basic functioning, and a deficiency in one or another can cause the appearance of bothersome symptoms.

Cell salts are perfect for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly. They are known as “homeopathic vitamins” and offer the vital minerals our cells need.

An important thing to remember about cell salts is that potency matters! Cell salts are found in 3x, 6x, 9x and 12x potencies only. Also, Cell Salts are never found in “C” potencies, only “X” potencies. Potency, as well as dosing for emergencies, convalescence, and maintenance, is covered in our virtual class Cell Salts. Taking breaks while on a cell salt regimen is recommended and advice on how to do this can also be found in the class.

So what can cell salts be used for? The list is endless: Colds, flu, infections, rashes, burns, cramps, cavities, brittle hair and nails, stress, fever, dehydration, inflammation, sore throat, digestive disturbances, coughs, headaches, irritability, colic, teething, constipation, rheumatism, insomnia, heartburn, bloating, allergies, congestion, varicose veins, fatigue and so much more!

Let’s look at a couple cell salts and what they specifically address for a better understanding of how they can be used.

Calcium fluoride: This cell salt is useful in conditions where the body hasn’t “bounced back.” Postpartum, when tissues remain chronically relaxed, is an opportunity to try Calc fluor. Other times that this tissue salt may be used is for enlarged glands, prolapse, muscle weakness, hemorrhoids, and cysts. The mental/emotional picture may be that the person is a hard worker motivated by fear of poverty and the need to excel at what they do. In our Cell Salts class, we cover the facial features that can be used to help diagnose a need for this cell salt as well.

Silica: Known as the “homeopathic surgeon,” Silica helps the body to push out splinters and foreign objects that do not belong in the body. Silica is great for promoting healthy hair, skin and nails as it stimulates keratin production. When we see brittle nails, infections, constipation, and boils, Silica is indicated. The mental/emotional picture includes the inability to make decisions, need for approval from others, and stubbornness.

Yes, cell salts, like homeopathy, are completely safe for pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy offers the perfect opportunity to use cell salts, as mom and baby’s bodies go through so many changes and require nurturing and support. In Cell Salts, there is a wonderful protocol shared by Cilla that can be started in the third month of pregnancy. This protocol supports the different systems that baby is developing: Structural, neurological, blood, and mucous membranes.

Purchase the Real Immunity Cell Salt Kit here

Miasmic Treatment: How Homeopathy Moves Us Through Genetic Dispositions

By Homeopathy

Did you get your blue eyes from your grandmother? How about your curly hair, or your infectious laugh?

Often, inheritance plays a key role in influencing a person’s state and vitalism as well as these physical details. We all inherit proclivities and predispositions towards certain disease. Often these diseases are ones our parents and grandparents may have had or were susceptible to as well. In homeopathy, these inherited proclivities are known as “Miasms.”

Just like hair and eye color, we also inherit proclivities towards certain disease, known in homeopathy as “Miasms.” Miasmic prescribing mitigates the expression of these
proclivities, often reducing the severity of symptoms.

Through miasmic prescribing, homeopaths are able to mitigate the expression of certain genetic inheritances and diseases. Though a person’s genes cannot be altered, the expression of the proclivities carried on these genes can be made less severe or less life threatening.

For example: Those born with Downs Syndrome are often subject to lots of severe respiratory and cardiac symptoms. With constitutional homeopathic treatment, we see a lessening of these symptoms. The vital force has been unencumbered to express itself more freely.

Women treated constitutionally prior to having children diminish the miasmatic influence upon their own vital force, thus offering their offspring freedom from these liabilities.

This is just another area where homeopathy presents a massive opportunity for healing. While science acknowledges the important genetic markers we inherit, homeopathy takes this a step further maintaining that our inheritance also includes aspects of our ancestor’s vital force. In this way, ancestors who may have suffered from scabies may pass on skin issues. Recent scientific genetic research may actually support this claim:

“Genes may only be receivers of information transmitted by the vital force, much like the television is only the receiver of a broadcast transmitted over the airwaves. Thus, just fixing your television won’t improve the quality of the shows you can receive on it, replacing or removing your body parts won’t repair underlying problems with the vital force. And even if you can’t replace your television (your genes) there is still the possibility of improving the quality of the programs it receives (the activity of the vital force.)” From Amy Lansky’s Impossible Cure (p. 104)

Women treated constitutionally prior to having children diminish the miasmatic influence upon their own vital force, thus offering their offspring freedom from these liabilities.

Often miasmic expression can be kept at bay. But under stress or times when the terrain may be disturbed, these expressions often manifest, and a homeopath may augment constitutional treatment to address the miasm that is manifesting.
There are many miasms. In the class Miasms: Painting Health and Emotions, Cilla presents the Cancer, Psoric, Sycotic, Syphlitic and Tubercular Miasms.

When considering miasms, a homeopath looks at the central disturbances and disease manifestations (physical symptoms) as well as the mental-emotional picture. Symptoms that may indicate a Syphlitic Miasm would be alcoholism, depression, suicidal tendencies, mental illnesses, eating disorders, violence, cardiac conditions, birth defects and self-destructive behaviors such as cutting. Often there is also Nocturnal Periodicity: Individuals who are either worse at night or consider themselves Night Owls.

To describe the Syphlitic mental-emotional picture, Cilla offers the case in her Miasm class:

A woman came to her as a client who carried a gun in her purse. She felt she had to protect herself, like others were out to get her, and was very depressed. Upon further observation, it was discovered that she was simply fearful and felt threatened. Syphilinum helped her to move out of this internal state.

Another case involved a small child born with a severe case of Stabismus (crossed-eyes) who was very much helped by Syphilinum.

With homeopathy, there is never a time when the vital force cannot be empowered to promote healing in the body. Miasmic prescribing is simply another tool in the professional homeopath’s tool belt.

Interested in learning more about Miasms? Check out Cilla’s class on the topic.

Want to Be A Homie? 8 Ways to Think Homeopathically

By Homeopathy

Have you ever wondered why the same things keep happening to you over and over again?  Maybe it’s having bad luck, or being betrayed, changing jobs so much, or physical accidents.  There’s a reason for that.

Have you ever questioned what all the hub-bub is about over getting the flu? Or what the crazy side effects from medications are really doing to you?  Have you questioned how much influence your genetics have over your physical condition, or even your mental health? 

So have I! That’s why I became a homeopath. The minute I walked into the classroom to start my four-year education in homeopathy, I knew I was home. It all made sense. My questions were answered. I never looked back, and my life was forever changed.

The answers (and more) lie in these eight ways to think homeopathically.  Give it a try!

  1. Accept that life has intelligence.  This is wisdom we all possess. The body is designed to move toward perfection. It does many miraculous things naturally. It digests, eliminates, detoxes, grows, and evolves from a helpless, adorable, dependent being that cannot walk, talk or feed itself, into a full-grown human that can reproduce itself. How can you support vitality and healing in yourself and your children?
  2. Express your symptoms! Whether it’s suppressing a fever, holding back a burp, or denying emotions, we can trust the body/mind/spirit to cough up a symptom as an honest expression of the inner state. And for those mucous producing conditions that can be tempting to suppress, learn instead how to navigate and support them with the Kali Salt Class.
  3. Observe. Observe. Observe. Symptoms hold clues to how to heal and move toward perfection. Now we’re

    Be a homie. Use the tips in this blog to start thinking Homeopathically.

    talking about prescribing a remedy. That’s for a future blog.

  4. Acknowledge it all. Befallments are also symptoms. Symptoms aren’t just physical. “Befallments” is a fancy word we use to describe events in our lives. We are whole beings. Duh. Moods are symptoms. Events are symptoms. Fears are symptoms.
  5. Keep it moving. (Or, Go with the flow.) Motion is health. Expressing a symptom, interpreting what it means, then supporting that need, is very very health promoting. Suppression isn’t motion. (see #2)
  6. Celebrate your acutes! Acute disease is a vent of the deeper state. This is one fact the rest of the world just doesn’t get. Colds, viruses, childhood illnesses (even the flu) are all mechanisms to exercise the immune system and allow a discharge. This is an effective way to purge toxins, waste, and unneeded energetic ju-ju. It resets the system and promotes developmental surges. Who doesn’t love a developmental surge?
  7. Remember it is all a perspective. Everyone views reality through the lens of their internal state. This is a biggie. This explains why some people are aggressive, some are wallflowers, some are nomads, and a thousand other variations. This is a good thing but becomes problematic when we judge others through our own lens. Life is easier when you can shrug and say “It’s just their state.”
  8. Live by the golden rule: Like Cures Like. This one has depth and breadth you can barely fathom. It’s one of the main tenants of homeopathic theory. When you apply “like” there is no resistance. Try telling a toddler (or a teenager) they have to do something. You’ll get schooled in “resistance.” Try understanding what they are thinking and feeling and it opens up the channels of energetic exchange.  (see #4)

My homeopathically trained buddies are on the same wave length and we save so much time. These eight facts help us to cut through the chatter and keep our blood pressure down nicely. You can make life easier for yourself, too. Think like a homie!

Got a teen who you’d like to teach to think homeopathically? Sign them up for our Vitality School and get six full health lessons focused on terrain theory, natural health, real immunity, homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis.

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Resistance Doesn’t Promote Healing: My Unconventional Path to Healing

By Uncategorized

Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy. That’s not philosophy, it’s physics.” As a homeopath I live with this awareness every moment.

The movement of our energy is health. Growth, motion, development, expansion…..these all reflect healthy energy. When energy is impeded, we get stuck; we get sick. Trying to heal on the physical level is just one part of the equation. We must move the stagnant energy in order to heal.

Conventional medicine focuses on physical symptoms. This is fabulous and life- saving in an emergency. But cancer isn’t an emergency. Cancer is simply the harbinger of death due to stuck-ness. All chronic disease is the same. The energy is stuck.

The amazing thing is that we continue to attract similar energetic situations in an effort to move beyond the stuck place. Dramatic examples include people who have been abused who may attract abusive relationships, children of addiction who may marry addictive personalities. We are attracted to the same energy again and again in an attempt to heal it. This is not conscious. This is the natural way in which the vital force seeks expansion and perfection.

Fighting doesn’t heal. Resistance doesn’t cure anything. Understanding is transformative. 

The malignant mass in my breast is simply my “lump of motivation” to heal what is stuck. It’s a sacred opportunity to re-connect to what’s most important. Of course, I will address the physical aspects. Instead of surgery, chemo, or radiation, which to me represent resistance, I’m opting for a different course of action.

The program in Mexico will consist of nutritional IV therapy, light and sound therapy, hyperthermia, ozone therapy, hyperbaric chamber, lymph drainage, and a German method of emotional/spiritual release. Included will be methods to modify my perspective away from the “fight, kill, destroy” attitude. I’ll be removing 2 root canaled teeth, then treating with ozone and my own platelets to heal. (See the film “Root Cause” on Netflix to understand the correlation of root canals with chronic illness.)

For the energy part, I’m working with a practitioner who combines multiple energetic methods; employing meditation and visualization; and most importantly getting still and observing when the cancer cells start to speak “despair.” I will not resist or react, but simply listen, and also listen to all the other cells – the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more that make up 90% of me and need me for their existence, as I need them for mine.

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Does Homeoprophylaxis Produce Antibody Titers?

By Immunization

One common question asked about homeopathy is: “Does Homeoprophylaxis (HP) Produce Antibody Titers?”

In a recent live, Cilla offered a thorough answer to this question. She starts by discussing the difference between Allopathic medicine, which attempts to manipulate and eliminate symptoms, and Homeopathic medicine, which respects symptoms as they indicate to us the status of the vital force.

Cilla moves on to share shocking information about when scientists first discovered antibodies. You’ll be surprised at how recently this discovery was made!

If you haven’t yet watched Cilla’s first film: A Quest for Real Immunity, you’ll want to stream it as soon as possible for a more in-depth review of the functions of the immune system. There are interviews from health several professionals who discuss immunity in-depth.

In fact, the immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych, is one who you can follow and learn a lot about immunity.

Another topic covered is the two arms of the immune system: Th1, the innate arm, also known as the cellular arm; and Th2, humoral arm, known as the antibody producing arm. Both arms are essential, of course, however, vaccines essentially have “skewed” the immune system, by encouraging and emphasizing the Th2 arm which has lead to several inflammatory diseases.

HP and vaccines can be differentiated using two important terms:

Efficacy: What vaccines focus on, measured in antibodies.
There are some major problems with this theory, especially important to note is that illness is not really related to how many (if any) antibodies a person makes, as some are people are high-responders, some are low-responders and some are non-responders.

Effectiveness: What HP focuses on. What do the studies with millions of people show us about disease contraction? We see there is effectiveness and that it is around 90%. HP does not promise efficacy because efficacy (antibodies) are not considered the gold standard: The goal is real world effectiveness.

Finally, Cilla rounds things up by giving my listeners the bottom line: “Health is adaptation, it is not manipulation, we can’t make the human body do what we want it to do. Adaptation is what gives us health.”

To watch this live talk in full, click the link below:


Want to access the studies on HP that I cite in this live talk? Access the FREE Knowledge Vault by creating your account today. An assortment of documents, studies and videos to help you on your journey to health and wellness through homeopathy awaits you.

Learn more about HP with our virtual Homeoprophylaxis class.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Learn More about Immunity

Ready to learn more about how you can cultivate real immunity for yourself and your family? Watch our Real Immunity documentary series.