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Homeopathic Solutions for Post-Injection Transmission Syndrome

By May 24, 2021September 21st, 2021No Comments

Colleagues and clients from around the world have reached out to inquire about what many seem to be experiencing when in the presence of recently injected individuals.

While there is no conclusion about what could be happening, it’s obvious among practitioners that clients are having symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, and unusual bleeding or menstrual abnormalities. It’s also noted that in the original Pfizer study summary, there are references to the possible shedding of the spike protein through skin to skin contact, or respiratory exposure. So perhaps this is not fueled by imagination.

At Real Immunity we have termed this perplexing phenomenon Post-Injection Transmission Syndrome. (PITS)

The Real Immunity Team has examined the PITS symptoms reported by participants in our recent survey. The symptoms of these participants directly mirror those reported above.

If indeed, we are experiencing some sort of bio-resonance, or perhaps sharing of pheromones, then it makes sense that an energetic intervention could be very helpful.

I have investigated the use of flower essences for immune support. I have used these in my practice and find them to be incredibly effective while being exceptionally gentle. I have identified three essences that could be very helpful. They are Pine, Crabapple, and Yarrow Environmental Solution:

  • Yarrow SF: protective of noxious radiation, pollution, EMF, or residual effects of toxic exposure
  • Pine: supports self-acceptance, forgiveness of self and others, healing process, acceptance
  • Crabapple: associated with being cast out of paradise, physical purification, true evolution/adaptation

Mixed together, these three flower essences can gently support and protect external assaults on the energetic level. Here’s the summary of a study by Jeffrey Cram PhD. reflecting the physiological impact of energy medicine applied with flower essences.

To purchase Environmental Protection Essence, click the image below.